Ýurdumyzyň orta mekdepleri birinji synp okuwçylaryny kabul etmäge we täze okuw ýylyna taýýarlanýarlar
Since the beginning of August, secondary schools in the capital and regions of Turkmenistan start accepting documents for enrolling children in the first grade.
For admission to school, the following documents are required: a birth certificate (copy), a medical card of the established form from a health centre at the place of residence, a characteristic from a kindergarten. It is also necessary to fill out an Application for admission to the school according to the established model and, at the time of submission of the documents, have with you the passports of the parents (originals). The enrollment of students in the first grades for the 2023-2024 academic year is carried out for children of 6 years old (born in 2017).
The 1st of September is always an exciting and unforgettable holiday, the Day of Knowledge and Students, which is widely and solemnly celebrated in Turkmenistan. On this day, for the youngest schoolchildren - first-graders, the first school bell in their life will sound, tens of thousands of kids across the country will sit at their desks for the first time and a wonderful journey into the wonderful world of knowledge will begin for them.
In the meantime, summer is in the yard, future first-graders and all schoolchildren in the country have time to properly relax, gain strength and prepare for the upcoming school year.
August is traditionally perhaps the hottest month of the summer, not only in terms of weather conditions, but also in terms of active preparation of children for school. Parents with children rush to the shops to get everything they need. A lively atmosphere reigns at the marketplaces with school goods, traditional school markets are unfolding in the capital and velayats of the country. During this period, the trading network offers customers a particularly wide range of stationery and textile products, for the most part, of domestic production.
Every year for the new academic year, comprehensive training is carried out in the country's schools, cosmetic and major repairs of educational institutions are carried out. At the same time, curricula and plans are being improved, schools are supplied with textbooks and manuals, copybooks for first graders in the required volume.
In our country, priority tasks related to the improvement of the national education system are being consistently and successfully implemented, new promising and significant goals are being formed, for which the state has every opportunity to achieve.
A number of national concepts focused on the comprehensive development of this sphere are in operation. Among them are the concepts of developing a digital education system, improving teaching foreign languages, teaching subjects in the natural and exact sciences, and others. Thanks to their implementation, the education system in the country is reaching a qualitatively new level, its development is taking place in accordance with international standards.
The total number of operating secondary schools in Turkmenistan is approaching two thousand. About 200 schools in the country specialize in the study of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, exact sciences and the humanities, as well as foreign languages, including English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Chinese and others.
According to the annual tradition, new schools will be opened in our country on the Day of Knowledge and Students.