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  • The Lights on the Main New Year Tree of Turkmenistan illuminated

Ýurdumyzyň Täze ýyl Baş arçasynyň yşyklary ýakyldy


Bright lights illuminated today on the Main New Year tree of the country, announcing the imminent arrival of the beloved and long-awaited, cheerful and kind festive occasion – the New Year.

According to established tradition, the hub of the celebrations was the square in front of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Center, located in one of the picturesque corners of the capital – at the foot of the Kopetdag Mountains, where the tallest beautiful Christmas tree was installed. A festive fairy-tale town is located here.

Thousands of young and adult participants gathered around the brilliant evergreen queen of the faerie carnival show. After all, this is where the magic of amazing adventures and discoveries begins for children, when cherished desires and dreams are miraculously fulfilled by the wave of the magic wand of Ayaz Baba and his companion Garpamyk.

The height of the Main Christmas tree, crowned with an eight-pointed star and the numbers 2024, is 44 meters, and its width – 16 meters.

Dressed up with multi-colored balls, beads, firecrackers, sparkling tinsel and garlands, the green beauty is a bright symbol of the coming year and will become one of the most attractive attractions for residents and guests of the Turkmen capital.

Steeped in ideas of fabulous miracles, the ceremony of illuminating the lights on the main New Year tree of the country requires a special creative approach from the organizers of the holiday, so every year a new special route is drawn up for Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk.

This year, the scriptwriters have prepared an entertaining performance for young viewers, which begins with fishing.

... Tikki and Pottysh comedians go fishing, where a goldfish gets caught in a net. Tikki tells the goldfish about his son’s desire to see Ayaz Baba. The story develops in such a way that, upon fulfillment of a wish, Ayaz Baba, Garpamyk and the boy land in Arkadag city.

It should be noted that the opening of this unique city took place on June 29 of this year. On a legislative basis, it received a special legal status – a city of national significance, which confirms the concrete result of the grandiose transformations unfolding in our country, begun by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and now consistently continued under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The originality of the idea of creating Arkadag city also lies in the fact that it was built in one of the most ancient corners of the Turkmen land, where the glorious history of our ancestors originates.

The new city, located in the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag, is a demonstrative example of a smart city, the life of which is integrated with advanced digital, information and communication and green technologies. Such a relevant aspect as ecology is given special attention here. Thus, environmentally friendly materials were used in the construction of facilities. The successful solution of the tasks set in this area is evidenced by the fact that Arkadag city was awarded a certificate of accession to the project “Development of sustainable, green, climate-friendly cities with innovative solutions in the region of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.”

...The heroes of this New Year’s story, during a tour around Arkadag city, visit the State Drama Theater named after Aman Gulmammedov, where they are joyfully greeted by children. Then, at the State Equestrian Circus named after Gorogly, the group of national equestrian games Galkynyş demonstrated their horse riding skills to the guests.

By the way, the Galkynyş equestrian group, created on the initiative of Hero-Arkadag, takes an active part in prestigious international competitions, contests and circus festivals, takes prizes, raising high the green banner of the Homeland. This indicates the growing popularity of Akhalteke horses in the world.

Then the New Year’s cortege heads to the New Year tree in Arkadag city, where a festive concert was organized. The next place of destination was the building of the City Communications Department, where Ayaz Baba, through digital communication, congratulates everyone on the upcoming New Year and invites everyone to the Main New Year tree of the country, located in Ashgabat.

Further, the friendly company goes to the white marble Turkmen capital. Their route runs along a residential area. The main characters of the celebration get acquainted with the architectural features of modern buildings, spacious roads, landscaping and festive decorations.

Pre-New Year Ashgabat – the city of love and youth, singing fountains and flowers, immersed in a necklace of parks and gardens, majestic white marble buildings, wide avenues and squares, is a clear example of the growing potential of the country and the success of the ongoing reforms, systematically strengthening its image as one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities for living in the world.

The cheerful procession, stopping along the way, is greeted by numerous residents of the capital, song and dance folklore groups. Artists from children’s amateur groups present their creative gifts.

Having reached Archabil Shayoly and changing the convertible to a snow-white phaeton drawn by graceful Akhalteke horses, Ayaz Baba and his companions arrive at the square of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Center.

Here the long-awaited guests, greeted by costumed children with ringing and cheerful songs, proceeded through the arch sparkling with lights. And now a bright carnival filled the square in front of the main New Year tree of the country. The symbolic characters of the outgoing 2023 and the coming 2024 were the first to devote their cheerful poems to the Lord of Winter.

Around the evergreen queen of the holiday, in an atmosphere of magic and mystery, an enchanting New Year’s performance unfolded with the participation of theater groups from the capital, young artists, as well as popular pop singers.

On behalf of young Turkmen citizens and all participants in the celebration, Ayaz Baba and his beautiful companion Garpamyk address the head of state, Hero-Arkadag and all the people of Turkmenistan with heartfelt congratulations on the upcoming 2024 year, wishing them happiness and health, success in the further implementation of grandiose achievements in the name of well-being and prosperity of the Homeland, express gratitude for the tireless care for children, the creation in the country of the necessary conditions for the comprehensive harmonious development of the younger generation.

The culmination of the cheerful celebration was the beautiful New Year tree that had sparkled at the request of the children and with the wave of Ayaz Baba’s magic wand. Following it, all the New Year trees installed in the squares of cities and villages of our country sparkled with wonderful lights, where today colorful performances are also taking place, poems and songs are being sung, and happy children are twirling in a round dance.

Delicious gifts and surprises on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov became the best reward for young Turkmen citizens.

A large concert with the participation of a children’s choir and popular pop singers who performed songs dedicated to the New Year completed the celebration at the main New Year tree of the country.

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