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  • About 1,000 tons of yarn were produced in the first quarter at the Konurgench plant

Könürgençdäki kärhanada birinji çärýekde 1000 tonna golaý ýüplük öndürildi


The cotton spinning mill in the Kunyaurgench district of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan has the capacity to process 6.7 thousand tons of cotton fiber per year.

As a result, large quantities of cotton yarns of different sizes are produced here. It is noteworthy that the yarn produced by the enterprise is in high demand in the world markets. The supply of modern spinning equipment by the production units of the enterprise, leading foreign companies allows the production of high quality products. It is even more gratifying that these advanced equipment is being successfully managed by local experts.

As a result of the coordinated and uninterrupted operation of the works, 970 tons of cotton yarn were produced in the first quarter of this year, including 660 tons of placement. The fact that 455 tonnes or 3,825,000 manat of exported cotton yarn has been exported indicates that this product is in demand.

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