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  • Carpet makers from Esenguli are working on the creation of new types of carpet products

Esengulynyň çeper elli halyçylary ýokary ösüşleri gazanýarlar


Hardworking Balkan carpet makers, who have made fine Turkmen art a lifelong profession and linked their fate with it, respond to the government's efforts with hard work. A vivid proof of this is the high production performance of the craftsmen of the enterprise of the State Association "Türkmenhaly" of the Esenguli etrap.

High labor results have been achieved here. Fine carpets and rugs woven by experienced carpet makers are in great demand among buyers. Already in January of this year, more than 130 square meters of carpets and rugs of various sizes were woven here.

Today, carpet makers spare no effort and talent in restoring ancient patterns, giving carpets a modern look and creating new patterns and colors. Currently, carpet makers are working on creating new types of high-quality carpet products that will bring a lot of joy to customers.

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